Accepted papers will be published in IEAI 2025 Conference
Proceedings, which will be indexed by
Ei Compendex and Scopus.
One regular registration can cover a paper 8 pages, including all
figures, tables, and references for one main author of the paper, and additional pages will
be charged. Please follow the IEAI 2025 Conference template below.
1. Full paper:
Formatting Instructions
2. Abstract:
Formatting Instructions
1. Full Paper (Presentation and Publication)
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers
including results, tables, figures and references. Full text papers
will be accepted by
Electronic Submission System. All submitted articles should
report original, previously unpublished research results,
experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the Conference
should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference and are
subject to both review and editing.
2. Abstract (Presentation Only)
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the presentation at the
conference, the abstract will not be published. Please submit your
abstract to
Electronic Submission System.