IEAI 2021 was sucessfully held online during 2-4 April, 2021. During the conference, Prof. Parames Chutima from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand did the opening remark. Prof. Chen-Fu Chien from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Prof. XU Yang from Beijing University, China and Prof. Maged M. Dessouky from University of Southern California, USA have attended the conference as keynote speakers. Michele Fiorello from University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Switzerland, Daniel Braun from Technical University of Munich, Germany, Ruobin Wang from Nankai University, China, Sansanee Sapapthai from Chulalongkorn University Thailand, Horng-Chyi Horng from Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan and Arthit Khotsaenlee from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand got the award of Best Presentation.


1. Conference Photo:


2. Best Presentations:

Session 1 - IM0048 

Title: Supply Chain Collaboration in Craft Production: Empirical Evidences from The Food and Beverage Industry

Michele Fiorello
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Switzerland

Session 2 - IM5005
Title: The Language of Engineering- Training a Domain-Specific Word Embedding Model for Engineering
Daniel Braun
Technical University of Munich, Germanyn

Session 3 – IM5012
Title: Research and Realization of Crop Instance Segmentation Based on YOLACT
Cheng Qian
Nankai University, China

Session 4 – IM0050
Title: Success Factors of Business Continuity Management Implementation Using Analytic Hierarchy Process-A case study of an automotive part company in Ayutthaya Province, Thailand
Sansanee Sapapthai
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Session 5- IM0028
Title: Health Improvement for the Functional Movement Capacity of Sub-healthy Adults
Horng-Chyi Horng
Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan

Session 6-IM0023
Title: Many-Objective Parallel Adjacent U-shaped Assembly Line Balancing Operated by Humans and Robots
Arthit Khotsaenlee
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand





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