IEAI 2022 was sucessfully held online during 28-30 April, 2022. During the conference, Prof. Parames Chutima from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand did the opening remark. Prof. Chen-Fu Chien from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Prof. XU Yang from Beijing University, China and Prof. Maged M. Dessouky from University of Southern California, USA have attended the conference as keynote speakers. Prof Meiryani from Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia delivered invited speech at the conference.


1. Conference Photo:


2. Best Presentations:


MI5009-A |I-Tung Yang, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Title: Integrated Structural Design Optimization Platform


MI5008 | Dongliang, Nankai University, China

Title:  Crop image segmentation method based on improved Mask RCNN


MI8001 | Puntani Pongsumpun, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand

Title:  Mathematical model for Chikungunya disease with two types of Aedes mosquitoes






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