IEAI 2024 was held successfully in Chulalongkorn
University, Thailand during April 24-26, 2024. The
conference chair Prof. Parames Chutima from
Chulalongkorn University in Thailand gave the Opening
Remark for this conference. Prof. Maged M. Dessouky from
University of Southern California in USA, Prof. Yang XU
from Peking University in China and Prof. Huiyu Zhou
from University of Leicester in United Kingdom have
shared Keynote Speeches with us.
Prof. Yasser Dessouky from San Jose State University in
USA, Prof. Athakorn Kengpol from King Mongkut’ s
University of Technology North Bangkok in Thailand,
Prof. Aldy Gunawan from Singapore Management University
in Singapore, Assoc. Prof. Raja Kumar Murugesan from
Taylor’ s University in Malaysia, Prof. Meiryani from
Bina Nusantara University in Indonesia and Prof. Kasin
Ransikarbum from Ubon Ratchathani University in Thailand
have shared excellent Invited Speeches.
The conference included 14 sessions. More than 40
participants attended. Many researchers, engineers,
academicians as well as industrial professionals from
all over the world have presented their research results
and development activities. We would like to express
sincere appreciation to all the keynote speakers,
invited speakers, session chairs, conference committees
and authors who have contributed to this conference.
The IEAI 2024 proceedings has been included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The IEAI 2024 papers have been indexed in EI compendex and Scopus!
Conference Photo:
1. Group Photos (Online and Onsite)
2. Keynote speeches and Invited speeches
3. Best Presentations:
Session 1
Paper ID: MS0083
Paper Title: De-wetting defect reduction in Printed
circuit Board assembly using Six Sigma approach
Presenter: Thitisub Sriwalo
Affiliation: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Session 2
Paper ID: MS5037
Paper Title: Datnoid IntelliTank: A Smart Aquarium
Management System for Siamese Tigerfish Enthusiasts
Presenter: William P. Rey
Affiliation: Mapua University, Makati City, Philippines
Session 3
Paper ID: MS0176
Paper Title: Redesigning of OpsGenie Paging Alert System
in Responding to Critical Tickets: An Application of
DMAIC Methodology
Presenter: Arnold Aguilar
Affiliation: De La Salle University, Manila Philippines
Paper ID: MS5023
Paper Title: Exploring a Cutting-Edge Convolutional
Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition
Presenter: Navod neranjan thilakarathne
Affiliation: Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Session 4
Paper ID: MS5023
Paper Title: Exploring a Cutting-Edge Convolutional
Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition
Presenter: Navod neranjan thilakarathne
Affiliation: Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Session 5
Paper ID: MS0058
Paper Title: A Robust Pricing Model for Hotel Networks
based on Multinomial Logit Consumer Choice Model
Presenter: Ying Zhang
Affiliation: Peking University, China
Session 6
Paper ID: MS3004
Paper Title: The Impact of Technology Show-off on the
Behavioral Intention to Use Innovations: A Study from
the Battery Electric Vehicle Domain.
Presenter: Alessandro Lampo
Affiliation: University of Saint Joseph, Macau SAR,
Session 7
Paper ID: MS0051
Paper Title: Service Level Improvement of An SME In The
Peruvian Textile Sector Using Lean Manufacturing
Presenter: Oriana Nicol Perez Diaz and María Ximena
Romero Makino
Affiliation: Universidad de Lima, Perú
Session 8
Paper ID: MS0032
Paper Title: A New Universal Exponentially Weighted
Moving Average Control Chart for Quality Monitoring
Presenter: Jianjun Chen
Affiliation: Nanjing Tech University, China
Session 9
Paper ID: MS5026
Paper Title: Weighted Subgraph Knowledge Distillation
for Graph Model Compression
Presenter: Yunfei Liu
Affiliation: University of Science and Technology of
China Hefei, China
Session 10
Paper ID: MS0123
Paper Title: System Analysis and Design of Room
Reservation System Using Design Thinking Methodology
Presenter: Jeatel Raphaela Tayam
Affiliation: Mapua University, Philippines
Session 11
Paper ID: MS0035
Paper Title: Reimagining Performance Digital Dynamics in
Indonesia's Life Insurance Sector
Presenter: Risye Dillianti
Affiliation: BINUS Business School, Indonesia; Bina
Nusantara University, Indonesia
Session 12
Paper ID: MS5055
Paper Title:Biometrics in the age of AI: Comprehensive
study on the usage of biometrics in the Philippines
against falsification through artificial intelligence
Presenter: Eric B. Blancaflor
Affiliation: Mapua University, Makati City, Philippines
Session 13
Paper ID: MS5027
Paper Title:Securing the Internet of Things: Exploring
Ensemble Learning for Attacks Classification
Presenter: Maurel KOUEKAM
Affiliation: Universit´e de Moncton Moncton, Canada
Session 14
Paper ID: MS0018
Paper Title:A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for
the Assignment and Scheduling of Healthcare Workers with
the Consideration of Worker Skill Levels
Presenter: Kelsey Cua and Adrianne Ong
Affiliation: De La Salle University, Philippines