IEAI 2023 was successfully held as hybrid style during April 27-29, 2023. During the conference, Prof. Parames Chutima from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand did the opening remark. Prof. Chen-Fu Chien from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Prof. XU Yang from Beijing University, China and Prof. Maged M. Dessouky from University of Southern California, USA have attended the conference as keynote speakers. Prof Meiryani from Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia, Assoc. Prof. Wichai Chattinnawat, Chiang Mai University, Thailand and Prof. Yasser Dessouky, San Jose State University, USA delivered invited speech at the conference.


The IEAI 2023 proceedings has been included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

The IEAI 2023 papers have been indexed in EI compendex and Scopus!


1. Conference Photo:



2. Best Presentations:


Title: The Challenges of Rebuilding US Domestic Supply Chains
Ming-Ling Chuang, Western Connecticut State University, USA

Title: Building a Multi-Objective Flexible Optimal Decision Model for Green Supply Chains
I-Wen Fang, Tatung University, Taiwan


Title: Study of Shallow Neural Network on Functional Approximations
Tzon-Tzer Lu, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan


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